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Disaster Recovery and Preparation

Find out how we've prepared for disaster!

Disaster Recovery

TAP FCU has developed a policy for business continuity in the event an emergency should disrupt operations of your Credit Union. The policy is designed to make the resumption of business as quickly as possible. Additionally, we have implemented safeguards to ensure our member’s accounts will be secure and accessible, and that our members will be able to reach us.

Since the nature of disasters is unpredictable and no one ever knows when they can occur, we are providing the following information to better assist you in knowing how your Credit Union will keep you informed during a time of disaster.

In the Event of an Emergency

  • We will post status updates along with other important information on how we can be contacted.
  • Additionally, we will deliver updates via TAP LINE if it is available.
  • Depending on the severity of the disaster, you can call us at (210) 593-3710 for information.
  • TAP FCU will make every effort to open additional channels of communication as necessary during a time of emergency.

Preparing for a Disaster

  • Make an emergency plan for you and your family.
    • Sit down with your family and decide how you will stay in contact with each other.
    • Where will each of you go? Where will you meet during a time of crisis?
  • Know where you store your important personal information.
  • Keep important insurance documents in a safe place.
  • Consider your pets when making your plan
  • Know how to use the emergency shut-offs for utilities
  • Inquire about possible emergency plans at your place of work, day care, etc.
  • Keep your financial information in a safe and secure place for easy access.

Additional Resources

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